Irudhi Suttru (Saala Kadoos in Hindi), directed by Sudha Kongara, is a 2016 India sports-drama film, starring R. Madhavan and Ritika Singh in the leading roles. R. Madhavan plays the role of an arrogant boxing coach, while newcomer Ritika Singh plays the role of an aspiring boxer. The film was released on 29th of January this year.
Although Irudhi Suttru still plays in cinemas around the globe, the Tamil TV channel has already bought the satellite rights for the film for quite a big amount.
Jaya TV is one of the Tamil TV channels that are famous not only in India but in several other countries like the USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand as well. Based in Chennai, India, the channel also features famous programmes like Little Masters, Jackpot and Rakamalika, in addition to popular movies. One can even watch Jaya TV online.
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